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tv   News 4 at 6  NBC  August 8, 2009 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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we are following several big stories. an airplane and helicopter have collided over the hudson river. nine people are dead s far. also, an historic swearing-in today. sonia sotomayor is now the third woman and firsthispanic on the u.s. supreme court. we'll take you to training cam live to fan appreciation day. good saturday. i the deadly air crash in new york. sight seeing helicopter carrying
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five italian tourists collided with a small plane over the hudson river. the plane had taken off from teterboro in new jersey. heading for ocean city. authorities believe all nine people aboard the two aircraft were killed. the accident happened just after noon as hundred looked on. >> the airplane ran into the back side of the helicopter. keep in mind with awful thell o things. until ntsb makes a determination nothing is a fact. >> two body have been recovered so far. mayor bloomberg, saying that bodies have been spotted among the debris. the two aircraft went down not far from where the u.s.airways jet landed safely seven months ago. judge sonia sotomayor was sworn in today as the newest justice of the united states supreme court. she is the daughter of puerto
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rican immigrants. a native of the bronx. making history as the first latina to join the highest court in the land. brian moore has the story from washington. >> i sonia sotomayor do solemnly swear. >> judge sonia sotomayor made history becoming the first hispanic, third woman and 111th justice on the supreme court. >> so help me god. >> congratulations. welcome to the court. >> it was an emotional moment for sotomayor's puerto rican mother. a widow who encouraged her daughter to reach far beyond her bronx roots. in new york, a group of students the judge once helped gathered to watch her dream become reality. >> definitely one day i will be walking in her footsteps. i believe i am stepping in them right now hopefully. >> critics concede her journey is inspirational. supporters say her legal experience is even more rich. >> 17 years on the bench. the opportunity that she had to be a prosecutor.
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and to also work on the private sector. it is a unique set of skills she has been able to accomplish on her 30-year plus career. >> for the first time in some 70 years the new justice wasn't sworn in at the white house. president obama decided not to attend emphasizing the court's independence. though few doubted she would win her senate confirmation, sotomayor was forced to explain some rulings and defend her 2001 comment that a wise latina judge might make better decisions than a white male judge. >> that was not my intent to leave the impression that some have taken from my word. >> that confirmation fight is a footnote as associate justice sonia sotomayor takes her place in history and on the high court. justice sotomayor does not have a long time to get used to her new office. she will be hearing her first case here september 9. at the supreme court. brian moore, news 4. new details about an
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internet sex sting. police say more than a dozen men in age 20 to 56 tried to pay a teenage girl to perform sex acts. montgomery case say the men responded to ads posted on craigslist. darcy spencer joins us live from police headquarters. hey, darcy. >> montgomery county police are saying they were not surprised they were able to make so many arrests. a major problem with online prostitution. some are saying police tactics amount to enap and these nd a te li een ruined.ggna s iedesnen m sn inet s sexnginti run by montgomery countyha c mhergedi tasoci olionti a mfinor for sex. ey're accused ofse e sfr oomne the x from some one theyug ththo a 16-year-old. she turned out to be a county cop. >> the men that were involved in this came from all walks of life. age from 20 to age 56.
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and some were students. some had professional degrees as well. >> police set up an ad on craigslist directing those interested in sex to a myspace page. they made it clear in communication s girl was only 1. but instead of meeting her, they were arrested. >> undercover office in texting and other communications with the defendant stated, you know i am 16. you are okay with that. >> many of thosewa arrested are from montgomery county. some came from as far away as ohio and new jersey for a sexual encounter. one of the men caught in the net. lieutenant wayne mothershead. a fire fighter. some have claimed that police tactics amount to entrapment. >> i know an accusation was made that we were ruining people's lives. but we are here to protect minors involved in this. other people involved on the uts si are making decisions they will have to live with those decisions. >> so at least one attorney
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representing some of the men is questioning the prosecution of the cases. montgomery konty policounty pol consult and everything done was within the law. darcy, thank you. a woman's body was discovered in ais res mand fweou remains were found friday night in t f m street o m street uthet. district police have not enidedenfihe woman just yet. they're waiting fomul r off an autopsy. investigators are trying to figuree out hfo figure out how she died. an explosion forced the closing of the station southwest. insulation along one of the tracks caught fire. then exploded. it happened around 9:00his morning. the green and yellow lines were affected. metro set up a shuttle service. while the station was closed. john f. kennedy any sister remains in critical condition tonight at a massachusetts hospital.
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eunice kennedy shriver, is 88 years old. she has suffered a series of strokes. her children, other family members are said to be by her side this evening. shriver is the fifth of the nine kennedy children. she of course, best known for her work to establish the special olympics. she is also the mother-in-law of california governor arnold schwarzenegger. still ahead tonight. everyone thinks their own pet is so smart. there is new evidence that, that dog of yours just might actually be smarter than some people. >> back to school shopping. you can go tax free in some jurisdictions but not all. i'm derek ward. details on new 4. >> coming up for the second time this week. hillary clinton cutting a rug in africa. steve, top that. >> i will top that with the temperatures. it is going to get downright hot. all the details in just a few. in sports -- redskins
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celebrate the fans at redskins park. hunter the punter hopes to boot the punting woes. jason campbell and teammates put on a show. news 4 at 6:00 continues!
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in the wdanthwoen twohe wtne into a cofield.t do aen wwndo aq eth ro fai the airpt,th privatevaly d.owne we don't know what caused the crash. federal authorities will investigate. secretary of state hillary clinton spent the day in south africa. she is on an 11-day tour of the continent. she helped plant flowers in capetown today. clinton also revisited a construction site she first toured 12 years ago when she was first lady. she praised the progress made in
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that area since then. clinton also danced with the locals for the second time this week in fact. wednesday she participated in a dance in kenya. okay. so maybe your dog, maybe your dog is as smart as you thought after all. a psychologist, leading canine researcher claims most dogs are at least as smart as a 2-year-old. according to a new report, dogs can understand more than 150 words. they can also intentionally deceive other dogs and people to get treats. it's not just their english though. they are also pretty solid at math too apparently. dogs can count up to four, five. some breeds are sharper than others. the smartest breeds are border collies, poodles, and german shepard. coming up. virginia businesses pick up extra customers this tax free weekend. folks driving in from out of state to do back to school shopping. also pretty warm today. tomorrow will be a downright
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scorcher. steve has got the forecast. when we come back. the latest on the midair crash over the hudson
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many will be crossing the pot p potomac in search of savings. until sunday you won't have to pay sales tax on most school supplies and clothing bought in
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virginia. this year, virginia is the only local jurisdiction offering those breaks. derek ward and that story tonight. >> back to school time. stores like staples, already the busy season. >> that time of the year. just, more and more. >> the family has a list and budget. this shopping trip has been well thought out. >> the economy. you really have to plan. tax free shopping days have been a salvation for families all over the area. you won't find the tax free holidays in the district or maryland this year. th cannot afford to give up the revenue. >> for this weekend they're giving up on shopping for school supplies where they live and opting for virginia. home of the lone sales tax holiday this year. why not? >> folks who aren't looking to fill up a cart are happy to take advantage of the tax breaks. after all. 5% off is 5% off. every little helps these days.
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i know it is going to be significant. the sales tax break applies to clothing items. and purchases are not covered. some like best buy are offering their own for customers. >> every time we run this type of emotio a lot of guests do come in. they are taking advantage of the 5%. the state would charge them. they can save a lot on television, appliances and computers. >> back at staples they're expecting to save $15 on their $300 worth of school supplies. good news to mom. as for daughter diamond? >> not really. because i'm not paying for it. >> to be young amen. derek ward, news 4. the red hot nionals they weren't there. plenty of act, at nationals park. ball club hosted a blood drive at the park.
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the aim to collect more than 250 pints of blood. it is the fifth straight year the nationals have co-hosted with the american red cross. last year's drive brought in 176 pints of blood. let folks know how they did later. >> the blood. >> warm. not downright hot. kind of warm. >> today the coolest day of the weekend. that's it. the heat is on. tomorrow. are you ready for it to be south carolina hot. there is a ton of hot weather to the west. all sliding in tomorrow. humid, hot. the peak day. temperatures could climb to 100 degrees.
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and partly to mostly cloudy skies. and with the extra sunshine. it will get hot. we look across the potomac. see the cloud moving across the area. temperaturewise, here is what is happening. temperatures basically in the lower 80s. ev the upper 70s in some spots. dew points are starting to climb. right now. dew points in the mid 60s. the numbers will continue to climb. the south westerly wind. start to bring in that really humid weather. all is quiet on digital doppler. we had a few isolated thunderstorms by the northern neck. those have fizzled. 83locally. off to the west. this is where we are seeing the heat from st. louis, omaha. temperatures in the 90s. with the humidity. feels like 105 degrees right now. in omaha. and with that, we do have heat advisories in effect from chicago, westward. and all of this will continue to simply slide eastward. as we head into tomorrow. i don't think we will have heat advisories locally.
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with the humidity it could feel over 100 degrees as we head into monday. the clouds on top of us. there is rain to the north. this stays to the north of us. may clip far northeastern maryland. but most of us staying dry. all connected to this warm front. for us, the main player will be this area of higher pressure. tomorrow kicks in. southwesterly wind. this in turn will warm us up into the mid 90s tomorrow. quite humid. by the time we get to monday. the core of the hot air sits on top of us. temperatures, 100 degrees. with humidity. it will feel warmer than that. and then off to the west. there is a frontal band that ll drop into the region tuesday. showily start to cool down. by the time we get to the middle of the week when temperatures return back to normal. here is the forecast. for this evening. mostly cloudy. pleasant. temperatures. upper 70s. through the lower 80s. your sunset. at 8:11 this evening. then for tomorrow. a lot more sunshine. than today. high pressure builds in. we'll see mostly sunny skies.
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and with that extra sunshine. it will be quite hot. quite humid. temperatures tomorrow. mid and upper 90s. ge t ready. easily t hotthstea wer of the season headingea our way. 97 tomorrow. so, yes, we can cal it owe proesive. hot, humid. even more so monday. right around 100. almost there at 99. and then we start to cool it down on the back side of the front. maybe a few showers, thunderstorms. we round out the workweek. >> that's hot. >> it is. buddy. >> thank you, steve. coming up in sports. live at redskins park.
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there he is. spent the day at redskins park. all the kriz crazy fans. how is it going? >> real, real, well. more than 29 fans here at redskins park. a record crd. a good fast paced scrimmage. pretty much got everyone in the spirit. one injury to note. offensive tackle. jeremy bridges sprained his ankle. jim zorn said he will be okay. zorn was encouraged. the offense took center stage. jason campbell got a rock star reception today. campbell waving to the thousands of fans at the park.
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in their opening series. they failed to get into the end zone. recent acquisition, dj hackett. a catch. the 6-year veteran had an impressive afternoon. also, a high light of the day. hometown favorite. marcus mason at fullback. a sweet one-handed grab. slly adjusting to the position change. trying to make an impact wherever he can. >> each year. take it to next level. that's what i am trying to do. you know, with guys, they are helping me out. >> ball is coming your way. you have to make the plays. good to be noticed. >> as a receiver you can't control anything. when the ball comes to you. >> for the most part. thought we did well. move the ball down the field. should have converted. but there are some things, that can go back to correct that. for the most part. we move the ball.
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>> the turnovers. >> jason, the offense. making progress. one area that the redskins struggled in. the punting department. that could change. this season. thanks to hunter the punter. hunter smith spent his ten-year career with the colts before signing with the redskins in the off-season. last year his punting average was 44 yard. good enough for 12th in the league. today before the scrimmage. hunter the punter put on a show with punts that were averaging, six seconds of hang time. jim zorn says that hunter's consistency impresses him the most. >> hunter will do the same in the game as he did here. there won't be a change. he won't change his style. won't get nervous. ju going to punt. >> one of the hidden places of the game. yardage hidden in the punt play quite a bit. field position. you can pin a team and make them
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punt. the nats extended their win streak. six games. here's how it went down. start in the bottom of the fifth. nats down. and zimmer. all-star. drives the pitch high and deep to right. it is out for a home run. zimmerman's 24th this season. tying a career high. all tied at five like that. bottom seven. still knotted at five. josh willingham. bases loaded. willingham sends one to left. clutch. and he scores. and guzman. willingham. 3 for 4 on the night. top eight. it is still 7-5. nats. in the game. making things happen. gets the ground ball to short. check out guzman. great play. spins. throws to first. just gets him.
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or does he. check out the replay. clearly shows the runner is safe. arizona's manager. aj h itch nch. comes out to argue. what happened. think you blew the call. jerry crawford says i got it right. watch the rest from the clubhouse. see you my friend. h if nche wants his money's worth. crawford an earful back. nats hang on. 7-6. extending the win streak to 6 games. orioles lose to the blue jays in ten innings in toronto. finally tonight for entertainment pleasure we bring you sights and sound from fan appreciation day. ♪
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lot of fun out here. redskins park today. i'll tell you what the defensive end. he is as good as advertised. just phenomenal in the scrimmage. very, very impressed by him. for now that will do it from redskins park. ee sout back here at er he
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